In October 2020, new evidence
has come to light, that possibly additional bombs were dropped
before reaching the village.
In the previous pages Arthur Beaumont recalls seeing the bomber
flying towards Assington and then turning sharply to make the
bomb run towards Bures
John Ineson from Arger Fen (Highfields Farm) recalls in the
early 1950`s, there were three large craters in the ground to
the south of OverHall Farm,
Marked A, B and C
It seems plausible these could
have been bomb craters, as they were directly in line with the
Luftwaffe flight path towards the village.
To a bomber aimer, the small complex of buildings at Arger Fen
may have seemed a worthwhile target, especially if he was keen
to jettison his payload.
We know from the run over Bures, apart from the tragedy at Nayland
the bomb aimer wasted six or more bombs by dropping the majority
across the Recreation Ground.